The Official McKLPOA Store

You must be logged in as a current member to get the membership discount on products. Products that are not in stock, may be 'pre-ordered' to indicate your interest.
Availability: Pre-Order

Price: $20.00

Available Options


Choose the container options for your order:

Buy one of ours to use over and over again :-) - adds $25 one time fee
Put deposit on our official container - adds $5
Use a 'reused' container we have in stock - free but is 'whatever' we have
Your Own Container (save$$)
Cream Level:

Choose the level of Cream you'd like in your order.

Modern Gelato hovers around 18% cream, with higher sugar - while North American Ice Cream has up to 35% cream and less sugar.

10% Cream
18% Cream
35% Cream

Choose your flavour and then selection other options to shift it from Gelato to regular Ice Cream - whatever your liking is. 

Black Berry (only in season)
Maple Walnut
Rich Vanilla
Strawberry (only in season)

How will you sweeten your order?

No Sweetener At All
Stevia Sweetener
25% only Certified Organic Unprocessed Cane Sugar
50% only Certified Organic Unprocessed Cane Sugar
100% Certified Organic Unprocessed Cane Sugar

25% of every sale goes to the Environmental Committee Fund.

McKenzie Creamery makes every attempt to source and use organically certified ingreditents and to ensure they are as fresh as possible at the time of your order. That's why some orders may need a few days lead time. Generally most orders can be competed next day if ingredients are in stock. Vanilla, chocolate, maple walnut and pistachio are the most common. 

  • Certified Organic Madagascar Grade B vanilla beans
  • Organic roasted (but not salted) Pistachios
  • Organic Walnuts
  • Kawartha Diary Cream
  • McKenzie (or area) made Maple Syrup
  • Organic Harry Scott Farm Fresh Eggs (not certified :-)
  • Certified Organic unprocessed cane sugar (can substitute sweetener or choose no sugar at all)

That's it, no concentrates, only the real deal.

You can also email and ask for custom flavours. We can do parties! Delilevered fresh to your party at the lake!

Makes about 1 quart. Providing your own containers is best if you drop them off, otherwise put a deposit on one of ours and bring it back when done. 


Gina on 02-15-2025 09:18 PM
What can I, creamy, locally made, organic AND delicious. My favourite by far is the chocolate ice cream....dark chocolate goodness! You can't find this on the shelf.....its sooo rich. Right up there is maple walnut......I dont think there could be any more walnuts in this ice cream and paired with the maple syrup flavour....unbeatable. The Classic Vanilla with the specks of Vanilla Bean can't be beat also. All great flavours with a fabulous creamy base!
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McKLPOA is a nonprofit, member based, Association for the property owners surrounding McKenzie Lake and its watershed.


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